05/07/2018 by Carney Sandoe Staff |
Landing the Job
4 Reasons You’re Not Getting Traction in Your Search

The school year and, consequently, the hiring season may be winding down, but there are still plenty of jobs to be had in the independent school world. If your CS&A team has sent your file to numerous places, but you’re still not getting the traction you want, check if any of these four conditions apply to you (good news: they’re all easy fixes!).
You’re Not Applying
When you get that exhilarating email from your CS&A associate that says “we’ve sent your file to this position,” you might think your work for that particular position is done — at least for now. That’s not always the case. For each referral you receive, make sure you log into CandidateConnect to see how schools want you to follow up. Don’t assume that schools will reach out directly if they’re interested, unless the job description explicitly states so. Some schools will assume you are not interested if you don’t send a cover letter, and others won’t even consider your candidacy if you haven’t filled out their own unique online application. Don’t exclude yourself early — make sure you’re actually applying to the jobs that interest you.
(Bonus tip: It's also important to let your Placement Team know whether or not you're interested when you receive a potential referral. With this type of referral, your file isn't sent to the hiring school until you've confirmed your interest by logging into CandidateConnect and clicking “Send My Materials” next to the opportunity.)
You're Not Communicating
Spring is a busy time for everyone, but if you're not responding to emails or calls from your Placement Team, schools, or hiring contacts in a timely fashion, you could be compromising your job search. Finding a job with CS&A is a hands-on process and a two-way street, and if your Placement Associate is trying to reach you unsuccessfully, that is giving us the impression that you are not fully invested in your job search. Similarly, if schools are trying to contact you to set up an interview or request more information and you're leaving them high and dry, they may move onto their next favorite candidate rather quickly. At this time of year, schools are working to wrap up hiring before summer vacation.
Your File is Incomplete or Out of Date
When you first registered for candidacy with CS&A, you may have uploaded a quick resume and reference list and decided to work on building your file when you had time. Weeks and months may have gone by, and spare time may not have presented itself, and three months later, your file still features just your resume and that reference list. While we can and do refer incomplete files, we know that candidates with a full range of materials to present — letters of reference, a personal statement, sometimes transcripts—are much more dynamic, attractive candidates. What’s more, their attention to their files conveys a dedication to their job searches, which does not go unnoticed by school hiring contacts.
Additionally, if you’ve been a candidate with us for a while, you may have out-of-date materials on file. If your resume dates to two years ago, schools may discount you early, concerned either that you’re not actively looking, or because they’re unsure what you’ve been doing during that gap.
Your File is Full of Typos
Typos can be detrimental to even the strongest file — careless errors indicate a lack of energy, attention, and professionalism. Go over each document in your file — from your resume to your personal statement and even your reference list — with a fine-toothed comb, scouring your text for formatting inconsistencies, grammatical and spelling errors, and factual mistakes. Your file is your best shot at getting noticed and invited to interview at a school — make it reflective of your best self.
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