01/26/2017 by Carney Sandoe Staff |

4 Things to Do Before a Conference

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Our first hiring conference of the season is this week! We're looking forward meeting schools and candidates from across the country and facilitating a day of interviews.

If you're attending any of our conferences, do these four things before the event to make sure you're getting the most out of your conference experience.

1. Mark your availability on your schedule

Not able to arrive at the conference exactly on time? Need to leave a bit early? Want to attend one of the professional development panels? Indicate any times you are unavailable on your conference schedule, so schools don’t schedule interviews you’ll have to cancel. Log into the online conference module, go to “View Schedule,” and mark relevant time slots as “Not Available.”

BONUS: Even if you know you'll be at the event the entire time and don't have any time slots you need to mark as “Not Available,” you should still be logging into the conference module to view your schedule and see if any attending schools have messaged you. By logging in, you're basically confirming your attendance at the conference with us.

2. Research attending schools

Log into the conference module and click “View Schools & Table #s.” Take a look at the schools attending the conference. If any have reached out to you to schedule an interview, be sure to do research on their program. If you see any schools of interest—even if they haven’t reached out yet—do a little research. Many schools schedule interviews the day of the conference, so you want to be as prepared as possible for a potential meeting.

3. Update your resume

Make sure you’ve loaded the most recent version of your resume into CandidateConnect—you want schools to have the most accurate picture of your candidacy in advance of the conference. Print out a few copies of the updated resume and plan to bring them with you, just in case.

4. Practice for a 30-minute interview

Though it might not seem like it, 30 minutes flies by when you’re in interview mode. Make sure to practice consolidating your most relevant experience into 30 minutes—while remaining friendly, personable, and calm. Need some help? Review this post for tips to rock the expedited interview.

We’re looking forward to seeing you at our conferences this season. Good luck!

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