10/03/2015 by Carney Sandoe Staff |
Landing the Job
5+ Things You Can Do Now to Get Hired

Waiting around to get hired can be agonizing. What are five things you can do (now!) that will help schools notice you?
1. Apply to CS&A
This first step is a no-brainer: apply for candidacy with CS&A. Depending on what you want to do (and where you want to do it), we may or may not be able to be a resource for you in your search. If we can help you, however, it could make a big difference for you; we have relationships with more than 1,500 schools worldwide, and since 1977 we’ve helped over 31,000 teachers, coaches, and administrators find jobs. Take 20 minutes and apply now!
2. Communicate what you want
If you are already a candidate with CS&A, make sure to communicate what you want to your placement team. Paint a portrait of your ideal position to your CS&A advocates, and then tell them where you’d be willing to compromise. Our team might not be able to check off all your boxes, but it’s helpful for us to know which types of positions you’ll consider—and which you won’t.
3. Respond to referral requests
Sometimes, you will receive an email from your placement team that asks you to confirm or decline your interest in a particular position. It’s very important that you respond to these referral questions, because no action will be taken until you do so. It’s equally important to let your contact know if you’re not interested in the position, and why not. Is it too far from your desired geographic location? Not the right grade level? Decided you’re not interested in part-time positions after all? This is all important in getting you hired at the right school more quickly.
4. Revamp your resume
If you’ve been using the same resume for the past few years, it may be time for a revamp. If you’re adding experience on without regard for the length of the document, or, conversely, if you’re abridging your most recent experience too much lest you extend past one page, it might be time to re-assess. If it’s been a few years, consider shortening the explanations of some of your older experiences, and flesh out what you’ve done of note in more recent positions. Make sure your resume reads well, contains information schools want to see, and captures a hiring contact’s attention.
5. Record a video interview
We’ve said it before: a video interview is one of the best ways to distinguish yourself from other comparable candidates. Particularly if you’re conducting a search over a wide assortment of geographic locations, a video interview can help a school get to know you better earlier on in the process. We know it can be uncomfortable, but we’ve already seen that schools are interested in reviewing candidate videos. Get it done!
6. Take Action Today
Locate the source of your anxiety, and try to take action. Are you worried that you’re not able to compete with candidates who have advanced degrees? Enroll in a professional development class. Worried your resume doesn’t reflect your leadership ability? Volunteer to start a new club or task force at your current school. What you perceive as weaknesses need not remain that way—you can take action to improve your profile immediately.
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