02/23/2017 by Carney Sandoe Staff |
Landing the Job
Refreshing the Candidate Interview: For Schools

The interview is an important time for you to get to know a candidate beyond his or her resume, and to determine if that person will be a good fit at your school. Interview questions will obviously vary by school and position and cover a lot of basic information (“Tell me about your work history.” “Describe your biggest strengths.”). But they are also a good time for you, as a hiring school, to gather a wide range of valuable qualitative data that can provide information about people’s motivations, feelings, and attitudes–information you can't gather from a simple resume.
Tired of asking candidates the same old interview questions? We complied a list of some of our favorite questions to ask!
Why are you interested specifically in working at our school?
What inspired and continues to inspire you to be an educator?
Tell us something unique about yourself.
Please describe one or two professional accomplishments that you feel proud of, and why.
What are you goals for the next few years? What about for the rest of your career?
Describe your style or approach when teaching in the classroom.
What approaches do you utilize to foster creative, innovative thinking and problem solving? Please provide an example from your current work.
Describe a difficult situation with a student, parent, colleague, or supervisor. What did you do?
Describe your favorite lesson or unit to teach. What made this different or special?
What is your comfort level with using technology in the classroom?
How do you see yourself getting involved outside of the classroom?
If you were to present during a professional development day at our school, what would you present on? In what areas do you feel you are an expert?
Describe the size and types of schools and demographics of student populations you have worked with in the past.
Give an example of using data to improve student achievement in a school, program, or classroom.
Describe your strengths when working collaboratively with others.
What questions do you have for me?
Does your school have any favorite interview questions? Share them in the comments below!
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