11/20/2018 by Carney Sandoe Staff |
Education News and Trends
Celebrating Future Teachers

There seems to be a “National {insert just about anything} Day” for just about everything under the sun. It feels like we celebrated National Taco Day three times this year (although we're not complaining…). However, in addition to today also being, supposedly, National Peanut Butter Fudge Day, today is actually a National Day that we can get behind: National Future Teachers of America Day!
Future Teachers of America Day, celebrated annually on November 20, was made to celebrate just how great teachers are. It’s sponsored by The Future Teachers of America, an organization that helps top-performing high school students prepare for the classroom and become a part of a professional community. Through mentorship and teaching opportunities, they help teachers hone their skills and become wonderful educators.
In honor of this day, we want to share just a few of the reasons why we love future teachers.
1. They crush it every day.
Teaching is not an easy profession, and we admire and applaud those who are pursing a career in education. Between pursuing coursework in college to become content experts in their areas, to student teaching or volunteering in a classroom setting, to keeping up with modern pedagogy and teaching strategies, future teachers work really hard. And their day isn't over when the proverbial school bell rings—they have their own schoolwork, jobs, extracurriculars, and social lives to balance.
2. We are facing a teacher shortage.
Now, more than ever, we need young people to enter the field of education. With the pace at which the world is changing and advancing, we need educators to build strong foundations in our children at an early age to ensure they're prepared for our interconnected and competitive world. This is why we love the future teachers who are preparing themselves to teach—they're helping to fill this teacher shortage, and setting young children up for success.
3. They spend a lot of time with our kids.
During the academic year, children spend about 1,080 hours of the year in school. That whole time, teachers have to be compassionate, knowledgeable, patient, and fair. That's a hard task, and we salute future teachers for being role models, confidants, coaches, and friends.
Using CS&A to Start Your Teaching Career
For any college students who are considering teaching in private schools, CS&A is a great resource to help you learn more about the industry and get your career off the ground. We have been helping upcoming and recent college graduates find rewarding jobs in school communities where they thrive for over two decades, and there's nothing we love more than matching a new teacher with his or her dream job.
In addition to placing new teachers in jobs for all elementary and secondary subject areas, we also place a lot of budding educators in internship or fellowship positions at schools. Schools will often hire our candidates as either a general intern who works with different grade levels in different departments, or as a subject-specific intern. Candidates in these positions usually begin by observing classes across a few disciplines and gradually they are given more responsibility. Sometimes interns are also asked to take on extra-curricular activities as part of their role, such as coaching or running a club or student group. Mentoring is an added bonus of an internship or fellowship, and candidates are often matched with a mentor at the school to help work on lesson plans and acclimate to school culture, among other things.
If you're a future teacher, apply now to work with CS&A and learn more about how we assist graduating seniors here.
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