05/14/2014 by Carney Sandoe Staff |
Landing the Job
When to Click “Send My Materials”

There are three types of referrals you can receive from your contacts at CS&A: a “regular” referral, in which you receive an email from your placement associate stating that your materials have been referred to a position; a “potential” referral, in which your placement associate asks you if you are interested in being referred to a specific position; and a “confidential” referral, in which your placement associate cannot give you details about the school or position to which you’ve been referred.
In the case of regular referrals, you need to express your interest by following the school’s follow-up instructions, as listed in CandidateConnect. In the case of a confidential referral, you’re all set and just need to wait to hear from the school. In the case of a potential referral, you need to click “Send My Materials” if you’re interested in the position.
But what if you’re still working on building your CS&A file, and you haven’t yet finalized all your documents? Should you wait to click “Send My Materials” until your file is 100% complete?
While we extol the benefits of a full file—personal statements lend depth to your resume and letters of reference bolster your credibility—it’s more important to act expeditiously when you receive a potential referral. Schools understand that CS&A candidates are building profiles, and they can log into their own online CS&A accounts and receive updated information in real-time as soon as you update your profile. So—waiting to send your materials to a dream job because you need to find the time to fine-tune your profile? Don’t wait—send your incomplete file now. The hiring contact will see your updates when they log in online.
To refer your file, we absolutely need one basic document: your resume. The other documents, while helpful, can be added as soon as you can, and their omission will not preclude you from being a viable candidate. That said, it’s important to fill your file as soon as possible, because most candidates with whom you’re competing will have full files, replete with personal statement, transcripts, and letters of reference. Don’t limit yourself by solely uploading a resume.
So when should you click “Send My Materials?” As soon as you read the job description and decide this is an opportunity you want to pursue.
Cathy Kellstrom 3/13/2020 at 9:06pm
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Nilsa Lasso von Lang 6/8/2020 at 7:11pm
I am looking for full time teaching position in Florida. Most teaching positions in Florida required a FL certification. Thanks