04/10/2013 by Carney Sandoe Staff |
Landing the Job
Deciding on a Job? Download Our Decision Checklist!

For educational recruiters, April means something besides friendly springtime showers. It means a veritable downpour of job offers and, hopefully, a steady stream of perfect matches being made.
If you’ve been offered a teaching position, congratulations. That’s an enormous accomplishment. But a school’s decision to welcome you into its community is not the end of the process. There are still many details you need to figure out–and many questions you need to ask.
Over the course of peak recruitment season, we’ve reiterated a few principles. One is that throughout your job search, you are interviewing each school as much as it is interviewing you. When you’re applying for a job, there are certain wants and needs you have–and it’s up to you to figure out which school can best meet them. When the job offer happens is when the fun begins for you–you get to decide where you want to spend the next chapter of your professional and personal life.
It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of job offer excitement. Before you know it, you could find yourself saying a blanket yes–without determining important, practical information about all your duties, your benefits, or moving expenses, for example. In that initial phone conversation when you’re so excited you can’t hear yourself think, how do you keep composed and keep track of the questions you need to ask? Easy: in true teacher fashion, you use a worksheet.
We’ve thought ahead about the prospective questions our teaching candidates might need to ask. Download our Decision Checklist for Teachers and cover all your bases.
As always, if you have any questions or need more help navigating the job search, get in touch with your Placement Associate. Want more information on a particular aspect of the job search or about education in general? Let us know how we can help.
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