11/08/2014 by Carney Sandoe Staff |
Landing the Job
The Most Frustrating Part of Your Job Search

Searching for a new job isn’t easy. It’s stressful to search for a new position, to keep your eyes peeled for the right fit, and to keep your cover letters unique, fresh, and interesting.
What’s more stressful than all that? Waiting for the stress to start.
It can be frustrating to log into your email or CandidateConnect account and hear crickets from the ether. It’s tough to channel your job search energy when you don’t have jobs to which you can apply.
Believe us: we understand. But we also are here to tell you—don’t stress. The independent school hiring timeline is fairly predictable; right now is a strange no-man’s-land between the start of the current school year and crunch time for next year’s hiring. Job listings typically increase in volume right around the first of the year. So until then, here are some things you can do to make sure you ease the tension in your job search.
1. Don’t Feel Neglected
If you haven’t heard from your CS&A contact in a while, don’t worry—you’re not being neglected. Odds are s/he hasn’t sent you referrals because s/he’s not working on any jobs that fit your criteria. Send an email to check in every once in a while, but don’t think you’ve been forgotten.
2. Do Stay in Touch
It’s important for you to keep your CS&A contact apprised of any changes in your employment. Did you find a part-time job for next semester and are now looking exclusively for positions beginning next fall? Let your CS&A team know. Have you decided that your geographic limitations were too constricting and crafted a list of cities that sound like viable options for a new home? Send a quick update! Make sure you’ve communicated exactly what you want to your CS&A team, so we can help you make the best match when opportunities arise.
3. Do Complete Your File
If you think you can hold off on completing your candidate file until more jobs are available, reconsider. This is the time to make sure you upload your updated resume, write your personal statement, record your video interview, and get your letters of reference squared away. When you’re scrambling to write cover letters in the winter, you won’t want to worry about an outdated document.
4. Do Respond to Potential Referrals
Occasionally, we will send you “potential referrals,” which request your feedback before we send your file to a school. Make sure you respond to these emails and tell us if the position does (or doesn’t!) interest you. Gauging your interest helps us to deliver more targeted referrals.
5. Relax
Take some time away from the job search to focus on your craft. Try something new in the classroom, or enroll in a class and gain a new skill. Doing what you love will naturally make you the most attractive candidate you can be.
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