03/30/2023 by Lane Dussault |
Landing the Job
It’s Spring! 4 Important Things To Do as a Candidate – Now!

Spring has started, and as the flowers begin to bloom and the warm air seeps in, we welcome the possibility of new growth. However, it is not just nature that may be celebrating a fresh start!
This new season is riddled with opportunity, especially in the private and independent school world. The timeline to obtain a position in a school community starts well before the fall, and spring is prime territory to advance your candidacy with schools — if you stay connected to the process.
Here are some important things to add to your to-do list as you navigate the job seeking process in March and April.
1. Remember Your Thank You Notes
For some this may seem like an antiquated ritual, but it truly helps you stand out. Whether it is handwritten or sent via email, thanking those that you interviewed with is an essential part of the process. In this note, mention the aspects of the conversation that stood out to you. This could be your discussion about the mission of the school, or details of the job that further ignited your enthusiasm for the position. How you decide to reflect on your interview is up to you but a note to those you met with keep you top of mind. Schools want to hire people who are qualified but who are also genuinely excited to join their community. This thank you note can further impress upon administration the dedication you have to the role.
Check out this Puzzle Blog article on thank you notes.
2. Keep Your Own Notes Up to Date
You will be interviewing with many different people, not only within a school but at a variety of different institutions. Keeping track of who you spoke to and the important points from your conversations will be helpful for your own decision-making process as well. Whether it is jotting down notes directly after an interview or building a spreadsheet with bullet points of information, organizing what you learned from each meeting can prove beneficial when it comes to accepting an offer!
3. Stay in Contact with Your Placement Associate
Part of what makes Carney, Sandoe & Associates a valuable tool in your job search is the way your Placement Associate can guide you through the final stages of accepting a position.Whether you have multiple offers and need help deciding on which one to take, or if you are a finalist and have more questions about school culture and salary range, your Placement Associate is there to help. Making a match that is both exciting for the school and the candidate is what CS&A does best.
Read about six times to keep your Associate in the loop.
4. Don’t Give Up!
While this is the time of year labeled “peak hiring season,” by no means do schools finish the hiring process at the same time. Every school and position follow a different trajectory depending upon unique circumstances. Sometimes people notify schools that they are leaving before contracts are signed in March. However, other people might have a spouse that needs to relocate at the last minute come June, while others decide they are able to retire earlier than expected in May. In other instances, schools can decide to create new positions to fill a current need that was not previously being addressed. This doesn’t always align with peak hiring season either. Therefore, make sure to continue on with your job search with the same motivation and fortitude you started with. A lot can happen in the coming months!
Want to explore career opportunities in independent schools? Carney, Sandoe & Associates is here to help teachers like you find jobs in k12 independent schools across the United States — for free.
Learn more about us here or contact us today to discuss your job search.
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