01/23/2023 by Carney Sandoe Staff |
Make the Most of FORUM/DEIB

You've been waiting for it, we've been busy preparing for it. And now it's here! FORUM/DEIB is this week in Philadelphia on January 27 and 28.
We've gathered some best practices and tips to ensure our candidates have the best experience at our event. Take a look below, brush up on your interview skills, and get ready for two busy days of interviews and inspiring professional development.
Keep an open mind.
Sure, the interview you have coming up might not be a perfect fit. The location could be off, the school might be one of your top choices, or you had your heart set on a certain title. Don't cancel that interview! Just like you want schools to give you a chance in an interview, give a school the chance to tell you more about why it could actually be a great opportunity for you. It's always advisable to keep your options open. You never know where that ideal job is hiding. Our conferences aren't just about interviews, but about building and nurturing relationship between our candidates and schools. Plus, if anything, an interview you're not so excited about is still good practice for the future.
Network with others.
The opportunity to be in the same space as job seekers, independent schools, and diversity practitioners is so valuable. Talk to other candidates while you're waiting for your next interview. Invite someone out to lunch with you. Attend our professional development panels and follow up with any participants — candidates or schools — whose questions or ideas intrigue you. Use the time for more than just interviews.
Check your schedule regularly.
While most interviews are scheduled ahead of the event, a lot of changes are made and new interviews are scheduled the day of the event. Be sure you've marked yourself “unavailable” on your own schedule for any professional development sessions you wish to attend. (We strongly encourage you to attend the sessions! See the next tip.) Bring with you a computer, tablet, or other device that allows you to easily check your schedule regularly. You don't want to miss any last-minute schedule changes or additions.
Attend professional development sessions.
The beauty of FORUM/DEIB is that while you have the opportunity to meet with multiple hiring schools in one location, you also have the unique chance to participate in professional development around diversity and inclusion topics relevant to independent schools. We've gathered a group of some of the finest diversity practitioners around, and topics include everything from how BIPOC educators can bring their authentic selves to their schools, diversity and equity in Catholic schools, retaining BIPOC educators, and creating inclusive school traditions. Have an interview scheduled in the middle of a session? Don't worry, you're free to move in and out of the rooms as necessary. Just want to be an observer? Perfectly fine, take a seat wherever you're comfortable and take good notes.
Talk to your Placement Team.
Our conferences are a perfect opportunity to meet face-to-face with your Placement Team to strategize around your job search, ask questions related to your resume, or get some specific advice about an upcoming interview. The majority of CS&A staffers will be present at the event — just look for us in the teal vests!
Stay connected with CS&A.
What's great way to learn about upcoming events, see our latest blog posts and job search tips, and stay up-to-date on current trends in independent schools? Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. We'll make it worth your while! And share your photos and conference experiences with us on social media with the hashtag #2023FORUMDEIB.
We are so excited about our ninth-annual FORUM/DEIB and can't wait to see our candidates and schools in just a few days. Safe travels to Philly!
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