08/01/2021 by Carney Sandoe Staff |
CS&A News
Presenting The Bottom Line

In collaboration with the North Carolina Association of Independent Schools (NCAIS) and the Edward E. Ford Foundation, we are proud to announce an exciting professional development series for independent school stakeholders.
The Bottom Line series is comprised of two distinct opportunities: The Bottom Line and Cultivating Communities of Belonging. Each program can stand alone or can be paired together for a more robust experience. Both center on your school’s mission, culture, community, and readiness for conversation and action around racial equity in independent schools.
Through a menu of required materials and additional content chosen by individual participants, and featuring more than 40 industry experts working in the diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) space, this series focuses on practical, operational strategies and building understanding, and offers a rationale for functional changes.
This is a defining moment for independent schools. Wherever your school is within your DEIJ journey, the series has a place for you and is open to any and all schools interested in racial equity work.
We hope you are excited for this opportunity to access a deep and rich curriculum that will help inform and direct your school's future steps in DEIJ.
The Bottom Line: An Operational Case for Racial Equity
This program is structured to help school leaders understand the role that institutional culture and decision-making play in racial equity and to begin viewing this work through the lens of the school mission. After completing the modules, leaders will have access to the School Readiness Audit that will guide them through a series of questions and key factors to consider in planning next steps.
Audience: Leadership teams comprised of the Head of School, at least one Trustee, Diversity Director (if applicable), and 2-3 other key decision-makers.
Cost: $795/team
Time Commitment: 7-10 hours
Format: 6 modules of asynchronous, pre-recorded content
Dates: Upon registration, teams may select one of the following 4-week program blocks*
August 16 – September 10 | September 13 – October 8 | October 11 – November 5 |
November 8 – December 3 | January 3 – January 28 | January 31 – February 18 |
February 21 – March 11 | April 25 – May 13 | May 16 – June 3 |
*Registration for each block closes the day prior to its start date
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Cultivating Communities of Belonging
Designed to foster understanding and a sense of belonging for all community members, this course is for school communities to experience together on their journey towards racially equitable schools. Participants select one of three tracks based on their professional background.
Audience: All school personnel, including Trustees, Administration, Faculty, and Staff
Cost: $195/person
Time Commitment: 20 hours
Format: Asynchronous, pre-recorded content with discussion boards and 2 live Zoom opportunities to connect and debrief
Tracks: Participants select a track based on their professional background:
Senior Leadership (trustees, administrators, Heads of School)
Diversity Practitioners
Faculty & Staff
Dates: Individuals or school cohorts may select one of the following blocks*
September 20 – December 13 | January 3 – March 28 |
March 1 – May 17 | June 6 – August 1 |
*Registration for each block closes the day prior to its start date
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