06/29/2015 by Beth McArdle |
Landing the Job
Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Independent School Contracts
My colleagues and I receive many thoughtful inquiries throughout the hiring season from candidates.

At this time of year, some of our most frequent—and most important—questions center upon the contractual stage of a search. How long do contracts last? How do I accept an offer? What if I receive multiple contract offers? Read on to answer these questions and more.
How long will my contract last?
With the exception of some multi-year contracts for schools overseas, the majority of independent school contracts are annual. It is entirely possible to have a 30-year career at a school; you will just need to renew your contract every year.
Does a verbal acceptance “count?”
When you have accepted a position over the phone or on Skype, the school understands this to mean that you have firmly accepted the position and will be joining the faculty. The written contract and other requirements/paperwork are the finalization of the hire. While a verbal acceptance is not as binding as a signed contract, it is still ill-advised to accept verbally and then rescind that decision. If you are concerned about accepting an offer before you see the contract, just ask! You always can request to see the paperwork before accepting.
What if I receive multiple offers?
A situation may occur in which you have already accepted a position at one school when another school makes you a more attractive offer. You may feel inclined to accept it as well. This is not advised.Please contact your placement associate to discuss how to manage conflicting timelines and multiple offers. If you are a finalist in several searches and are made an offer from one school, we recommend asking for extensions on decision-making deadlines. Once you have made a decision and a verbal or signed confirmation of an offer, immediately inform the other schools that you have committed somewhere else and withdraw your candidacy.
What if I’ve already signed a contract at my current school?
Once you have signed a contract to return to your current school, inform your placement associate. Your CS&A search will be placed on hold. It is important—for both your professional integrity and ours—that you honor your contract at your school. There may be unique circumstances that necessitate a continuation of your search upon signing your contract. In such circumstances, your associate will require written permission from the Head of School to continue referring your file to positions.
I never signed a contract…is that normal?
Some schools do not issue formal contracts. A school may have letters of intent or other documents akin to an employment contract. If you have indicated in a formal way that you will be returning to your current school, even though it is not a signed contract per se, then CSA will still place your search on hold and honor that commitment.
My contract is “at-will.” What does that mean?
Some independent school contracts contain an at-will clause; in which the employer can let someone go without cause, and the employee can resign at any time for any reason. Even though an independent school contract may contain this common clause, the contract is still binding. An at-will clause is not a “hall pass” to continue your CS&A search after you have signed the contract.
CS&A Placement associates are always available to discuss your job search decision-making. For this and all questions, feel free to reach out to your placement team or download our Decision Checklist.
Image credit: Microsoft
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