03/21/2019 by Carney Sandoe Staff |
Video: Why Should I Attend a Hiring Conference?

You're busy, either as a college or grad student, classroom teacher, or other type of educator or school employee. Maybe you're making a career change to teaching or returning to the world of K-12 education after a hiatus. You have personal commitments, family obligations, and hobbies. Your time is precious and your spare time is limited.
In today's digital world, job opportunities are at your fingertips. Open any browser, type in ‘[subject name] teaching jobs,' and hundreds of jobs appear right in front of your eyes. Why should you go to a hiring conference, let alone work with a recruitment firm (more on working with a recruitment firm later)?
It's pretty simple. In addition to the free, personalized job placement that we do for our candidates normally, hiring conferences are designed to supplement your search, putting you in front of multiple schools at once and speeding up the job search process. Sure, you can very well apply to jobs on your own, hope your resume gets noticed among the hundreds (or thousands – eek!) a school receives, and go through the interview process with one school at a time, one day at a time. Or, you can instead register to spend one day (or sometimes two, depending on the conference) in a room to potentially interview with multiple hiring contacts from unique and outstanding schools all over the country easily and efficiently. It's kind of a no-brainer.
Besides a way to accomplish completing two, three, or several interviews in one day, conferences also provide candidates the chance to create meaningful, personal connections that can endure throughout their career. The relationships you forge while at a conferences are invaluable on a macro level. In the close (and highly-competitive) community of independent education, your career will be about the people with whom you surround yourself. Why not give yourself that opportunity?
Convinced yet? Don't just take it from us. Listen to what real CS&A candidates have to say about their experiences at our hiring conferences. Then apply today to become a job-seeking candidate with us so you can gain access to these events.
Already on board as an active candidate? Have a conversation with your Placement Team about which of of our national or regional conferences would be best for you to attend.
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