02/16/2017 by LeeAnn Parker |
Landing the Job
Why Should You Accept an Internship Position? -Part 2

Now that we know a bit more about what an internship looks like, you might still be wondering about the long-term benefits of an internship or fellowship. So, we asked our candidates working in these positions to talk about the impact taking an intern role has had on their lives and budding teaching careers.
“The position provides an excellent balance of autonomy and support. Although I am fully responsible for my two courses, and have the freedom to design each class, I work closely with the History Department head in determining the overarching curriculum, and frequently sit in on his section of United States history. Teaching two classes as opposed to the typical four course load of a full-time teacher gives me the freedom to observe more experienced teachers in a variety of disciplines, and has enabled me to ease into the teaching role. I also have more time to meet with students throughout the day. In addition to my department head, I can consult the Head of Fellows on all matters from parent-teacher conferences to dress code etiquette. The three current fellows meet with our supervisor twice during every eight-day cycle to talk about our experiences and prepare for upcoming events and tasks.”
“I think doing a fellowship is a great way to see if you are fully committed to teaching as a career (especially in a boarding school environment). I started the fellowship not entirely sure if I wanted to go down the private school route; now that we have just begun the winter term, I am convinced that this is what I'm going to do.”
“I find my mentor teacher invaluable in this first year of my teaching career. I am so grateful for all the support that she has and will continue to give me.”
“Overall, I’ve really enjoyed my experience as a fellow and I’d encourage anyone thinking of teaching to be involved in a fellowship of this sort. This experience will certainly make me better equipped and confident in my teaching abilities in years to come.”
“This fellowship has been a good way for me to gain significant teaching experience while having the support and feedback of a mentor teacher. It's been a great way for me to learn more about the teaching profession, and to feel comfortable in a school setting.”
“As a Fellow, I have grown exponentially from countless hours of structured mentorship and professional development. From the very first day, I had the opportunity to share my ideas and step into the teaching role when I felt ready. Thus, I help to teach one section of chemistry this fall and will move to take on my own section this spring. The Fellow position allowed me to learn how to teach in both the classroom and the lab.”
“Overall, I would highly recommend an intern program to anyone interested in working in the boarding school world in the future. This experience also gives you time to ponder what you want to do with life and have enough time to pursue those ideas.”
“It has given me the opportunity to explore my own interest in a professional, supportive, and cheerful environment.”
“My Faculty Fellows program fully immerses its participants in every aspect of independent education and the School genuinely supports the fellows as they explore their passions and gifts in the school setting.”
“Housing is included with the program and intrinsic in the provided communal housing is an opportunity to develop genuine community with like-minded recent graduates. I am tremendously grateful for the ways in which I’ve grown personally, spiritually and professionally.”
“In many ways, a fellowship or internship at an independent school is the ideal postgrad job: they provide structure and support to new professionals while also allowing one to contribute to a community in a real and meaningful way.”
“I've learned so much about teaching and working with adolescents in a few short months, and the Fellows program has fueled my desire to teach in independent schools.”
Are you an upcoming or recent college graduate interested in pursuing an intern or fellow position? Talk to your Placement Team about your options. Not a candidate with CS&A? Apply today!
LeeAnn Parker is a Placement Associate at CS&A.
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