Jonathan Ball

What is a quote that you love?
“Once in a while you get shown the light, In the strangest of places if you look at it right.” – “Scarlet Begonias” by Robert Hunter
What was your favorite subject in school?
Studying Plato with Professor Penner at the University Wisconsin, Madison.
What inspires you?
My children, Jackson, and Eva.
Jonathan graduated from The Manlius Pebble Hill School, DeWitt, NY, and then from the University of Wisconsin, Madison with a B.A. in history.
At Carney Sandoe since 1997, Jonathan has served as Placement Associate, Associate Director of Recruitment and Member Services, Director of Recruitment and School Services, and Director of Marketing. He was promoted to Managing Associate in 2005 and has been placing development, advancement, and communications candidates since 2010. Jonathan implemented a comprehensive college recruitment program and instituted a client marketing, retention, and customer service program.
Jonathan has chaired a resumé critique and job search strategy panel at Columbia University Teachers College, and was a speaker at the doctoral symposium at Stanford University on careers in independent education. He was a keynote speaker on job search strategies in the K-12 educational market at Experience's national conference and presented multiple times at the CASE NAIS Annual Conference on advancement office structure and strategy, in addition to speaking at multiple regional and national events.
Jonathan is the Director of Advancement for the Gardner Carney Leadership Institute and chairs CS&A's volunteer committee.