Justine Brown

What was your favorite subject in school?
In high school, I took my first psychology class and fell in love. I went on to study developmental psychology in college.
Describe your perfect pizza.
I managed a pizza shop when I was a teenager, so I know my stuff around this subject. My go-to pie has prosciutto, arugula, caramelized onions, and a balsamic glaze.
What is a quote that you love?
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
Justine joined Carney Sandoe from Northfield Mount Hermon (MA) after serving as Assistant Director of Admission for five years. While there, she exceeded enrollment goals, expanded recruitment markets, developed a parent and alumni volunteer program, supported students in residential life, and founded a Black faculty affinity group.
Prior to NMH, Justine served as Development Associate, dorm parent, advisor, and coach at Eaglebrook School (MA) where she led a team of coordinators in the school’s fundraising efforts. She also coached the recreational ski program.
In addition, Justine has worked as a Student Services Manager for the National Aviation Academy (MA) and Sanford Brown College (MA). She received a bachelor’s degree in developmental psychology from Keene State College (NH).