Neil Johnson

What inspires you?
Listening to interviews of people who are in the top of their field. Whether they are chefs, animators, or financial analysts, their perspective and advice can be incredibly valuable.
What is a quote that you love?
“I drove a taxi at night so that I could be available for auditions during the day. One night I picked up Jack Kennedy at the Bel Air Hotel. Yes, that Jack Kennedy. Senator from Massachusetts at the time and future president. We chatted about careers, politics and show business and we agreed both had a lot in common. Maybe too much in common.
He said, ‘Lots of competition in your business, just like in mine,’ And then he gave me this. ‘Just remember there’s always room for one more good one.’ Words to live by, and I did.”
– Leonard Nimoy
What cheers you up?
Seeing the dogs in my neighborhood. They always look so happy to be out for a walk.