Todd Gochman

What inspires you?
Nothing more inspiring than seeing someone achieve a goal they set for themselves, particularly when doing something outside of one’s own comfort zone. My son riding his bike without training wheels, an athlete completing an Ironman, a musician performing in front of an audience, a mountaineer summiting a high peak, a teacher finding that position in a school community where s/he will have a positive impact. Seeing people find success in what they set out accomplish inspires me to set my own goals and achieve them.
Describe the perfect pizza?
I grew up in New York, close to New York City. When we had a hankering for pizza, which was often, we went to Broadway Pizza in Armonk, NY, family owned pizza place with red checked tablecloths and every Italian dish imaginable on the menu. Thin crust pizza, sweet Italian sauce, and plenty of mozzarella cheese, and the perfect amount of grease. I try to get a slice or a full pie anytime I return to the area. There are some good places in the Boston area, but nothing like Broadway Pizza.
Who was your favorite teacher in school?
Ms. Jones at Berkshire School. Ms. Jones taught European History, was a dorm parent, coach, and most importantly my advisor for three years while I was a student there. Ms. Jones embraced the mindset that her role at Berkshire was not just a history teacher, but a true role model, and mentor to her students. She was a true motivator, incredibly supportive, and always championing my ideas and dreams. There is no one else who comes close.