one round rock balancing on top of another rock
08/31/2017 |

Awareness Awareness

Did you know August is "Awareness Awareness Month"? As the new school year begins, students and teachers alike can benefit from a focus on mindfulness.

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The word impossible written on a chalkboard with a heart drawn around possible
08/29/2017 |

On Student Resiliency

How do we build resilient students? This post draws inspiration from a book that, while about public school students, has lessons applicable to independent schools.

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Ted Sizer headshot in front of a chalkboard
08/18/2017 |

What Would Ted Do?

With the Coalition of Essential Schools disbanding back in March, the lessons of Ted Sizer, its founder and a key player in education reform, are ones that now, more than ever, should be practiced in our schools.

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